There’s always a new way to appreciate life. There’s always a new way to be helpful to others.
No matter how much you’ve seen or done, there are always new things to experience. No matter how much you’ve achieved, there are always new ways to create value.
There are new problems to be solved and new beauty to be enjoyed. There are new people to meet and new ways to enrich the relationships you already have.
There are new and more compelling ways to express what you’ve always known. There are new ways to give your love to those you’ve always loved.
There is never any reason to be bored or complacent or unmotivated. Every moment offers the possibility of living life in new and more satisfying ways.
There’s always a new way to make this a great day. In this moment, life begins again, so live it with the fresh, new enthusiasm it deserves.
....... baca selengkapnya di Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1
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